

I am not the savviest with the whole blog thing so I can not figure out why my images for the 
past week have not been showing. If any of you know what could be going on, and want to shoot me a little message I would LOVE IT! Sorry again it has been pretty boring around this neck of the woods lately!


This past weekend was my husband's 27th birthday. I had a few tricks up my sleeve, I LOVE SURPRISING HIM!!  Saturday night we made it down to N. Hollywood and hit up this amazing sushi/ entertainment restaurant called, Tokyo Delves. The theme was Night at the Delvesbery, which if you know my husband that theme worked our perfectly!!

well I had a great video but blogger does not like me right now!! 

           Then Sunday we met up with some family and did a little indoor go kart racing that too was a blast. All of the boys zipped around the track with ease, while Sara, Rick's sister, and myself took the more leisurely route!! She did better then I did we all got ranked and I came in last, 9th place, ha I think they wanted to put me in an even lower ranking, but there was only 9 people racing! We all hit up The Hat after for some grubbage then found our way back home. 

 the men

    We took monday off to just relax and be with one another, plus nothing is better then a long three day birthday weekend. Tonight we will have some friends and family over to celebrate, which will be the perfect ending to the perfect weekend!!

What did all of you do this weekend? I hope whatever it was you were with people you love doing something you love!!

              P.S Keep praying for all of our East coast family and friends that they will remain safe during this harsh weather they are having!!



            Ricky, my brother in-law, Johnny and myself decided to all go to the final night of the Harvest Crusades in Anaheim this last sunday. The turn out was amazing there was a sea of people. One part of the service that night was an interview by Greg Laurie with Louis Zamperini. If you do not know much about him please read his most recent book "Unbroken", I know I will be after hearing just briefly his amazing life story. This Godly man is 96 years old and has a testimony that seems impossible for one person to have.
          God did some wonderful things this past weekend at the crusades, I am looking forward to hearing how the first every Harvest Crusade at Dodger stadium will go. I feel blessed that we went, and the changes that were made in our lives! Once again for all of you that wanted to go, but for whatever reason could not make it down you have one last chance to go and be blessed. The last Harvest Crusade at Dodger stadium is on Sept 10th, and I would strongly encourage you to go!



It would be impossible to not be inspired in a work setting like this.
One day when I have my own office for interior design 
I hope it can look a little something like this!

because im addictedddd.jpg

because im addictedddd.jpg

because im addictedddd.jpg

because im addictedddd.jpg

because im addictedddd.jpg

P.s. I saw these amazing images from the blog Because im addicted, check it out :)




         I wanted to let any Southern California residents, or anyone else that's willing to drive, know that there are a few awesome events coming up. The Harvest Crusades!  Once every year Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Ca puts on a huge crusade at Angels stadium with great bands, and speakers. This year for the first time they are doing two separate crusades.  One at Angels stadium, and for all you Dodgers fan there will be one held there as well!! 

           The crusades are completely free and just a great place to go to learn more about the Lord, or if you have questions and just want to have a good night with family and friends. The crusade at Angels stadium is next weekend August 12th-14th, and the Dodger stadium crusade is September 10th!

If you want anymore info you can go onto Harvests' website www.Harvest.org
I would encourage anyone that wants to go, but is hesitant for whatever reason, to JUST GO! Because when it comes down to it, tomorrow isn't guaranteed.  The Bible says that today is the day of salvation!  So take this time to hear the truth about the Lord, He will not let you down!




So once again I am sure I am the last to know about Pinterest but I likey what I see!
If you are a late bloomer like myself then you should go check it out. I know I will be right about now...so I will leave you with some inspiring photos all from pinterest. Man I want to go design something right now!
